How to use a spring reverb plugin from DAW in a M12 mix?


New Member
Mar 23, 2024
Gear owned
Tascam M12
Hi. I hope, this is possible. We want to use effects from the DAW/computer, when mixing on the Tascam M12. Is this possible as an insert or AUX feature? Otherwise it would be quite a dealbreaker. We only have a simple Sound Chip on the computer side, no external interface.

So that the spring reverb should be there sitting on the computer, and we can use it from there, while mixing on the M12. In other words, the plugin should be listening for signals, coming from the M12, process them, and directly send them back into the mix, with low latency.

How can we achieve that?
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I would use the M12 as DAW controller. Have all the tracks playing in the DAW, add the required plugins and then just use the M12 to control the volume faders and pan knobs in the DAW.
So the tracks in question would receive the plugins (amp modelling for guitars and bass, as well as our spring reverb) in the M12?

We are mainly doing Reggae/Dub mixes, so our interest is in using the M12 to move the sliders (dubbing in and out), and the AUX knob, to add spring reverb strikes, while the according plugins are running in the DAW. So the knob turning and slider action would happen on the M12, which is exactly what we would prefer. So, if that is possible, our problem should be solved, i guess.

We're not yet operational with our studio, so i try to find out things in advance. Thank you for your answer.
No, all the tracks come from the DAW, as well as the plugin.
The M12 is just controlling the faders when in DAW controller mode. It can also control the pan knob, but I'm not sure it can control anything with the Aux (or any other knobs, like the EQ).
Ok, i think i start to get it now. I'll report back, once we have our gear up and running. It can take a couple of weeks, though. Thanks again!

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